$1.6 Million Recovery for fall in parking lot

James Mescall negotiated a $1.6 million settlement for a client who fell in an icy parking lot.  Our client was injured when she slipped and fell on ice in her company’s parking lot after leaving work for the day.  There were no witnesses, but she promptly reported the incident to security personnel and went to the emergency room the next morning complaining of back pain.

Our client suffered from a neck injury which did not improve with conservative treatment.   After obtaining multiple medical opinions, she underwent cervical fusion surgery – anterior discectomy and fusion were performed at the C4-5, C5-6 and C6-7 levels at The Hospital for Special Surgery – followed by physical therapy for six months, without significant relief.  Neck pain, radiating down her left arm, returned. The client sought care from a pain management specialist and underwent a series of epidural and facet injections, as well as radio frequency ablation, without significant relief.   Subsequently, a second fusion procedure was recommended. During this second operation, the fusion was extended to include the C3-4 level.   After this surgery, she underwent selective nerve root block injections and was prescribed a fentanyl patch and oxycodone. Implementation of a spinal stimulator was recommended and declined as the client was concerned that it would mask her pain and would result in long-term damage due to continued compression of the nerves emanating from the cervical spine.

Even following the second fusion surgery, the client continued to suffer from severe neck pain which radiated down both arms and caused tingling and numbness in both hands. She again underwent additional diagnostic studies at The Hospital for Special Surgery. Her surgeon performed a discogram in an attempt to isolate the cause of her continuing difficulties and to determine whether a third surgical procedure would be appropriate.

After these tests, she decided she had no choice but to undergo a third surgical procedure on her neck.  This time, her surgeon performed a bilateral laminoforaminotomy at the C7-T1 level. Fortunately, this procedure provided some relief. However, she continued to follow-up with her doctors to monitor her condition.

Through investigation, Mescall obtained statements from two of her co-workers confirming that ice and snow removal at the time of the accident was poor, and a claim was brought against the commercial property owner and its snow removal contractor.  Analysis of weather records indicated that a significant snowstorm had occurred a few days prior to the fall. Records obtained in discovery from the snow removal contractor indicated it had not spread an adequate amount of salt on the driveways and parking lots of the complex in advance, during and after the snowstorm.

An analysis by a professional engineer hired by Mescall revealed that the snow removal procedures at the premises fell short of the appropriate standard of care in the industry.  The absence of sufficient de-icers on and prior to the incident date allowed both the new and previously-melted precipitation to accumulate and re-freeze on the parking lot.

Mescall’s liability expert determined that the condition of the parking lot on the date of the accident violated the applicable municipal code as well as other pertinent maintenance codes and standards. The engineer, in his report prepared for this case, contended that the owner had the ultimate responsibility to keep the property free from hazards to the public. Whether or not the snow removal contractor adequately performed those duties, the owner retained the final legal responsibility to ensure that the property was reasonably safe. The property owner, the property manager, and the snow removal contractor were all responsible for the conditions which led to the fall.

Following the fall our client returned to her job as a trust officer for a bank. However, due to her injuries, she was eventually required to quit her job. Mescall retained the services of a vocational expert who determined that she was no longer employable due to her injuries. The firm also hired an economist who calculated the present value of her future lost income. Finally, the firm retained an expert to provide a “life care plan” for the purpose of determining the cost of any future medical care which might be necessary. The opinions of these experts assisted Mescall in obtaining a full recovery, not only for our client’s pain, suffering and disability, but also for her past and future financial losses caused by the accident.  The property owner and snow removal contractor both contributed to the settlement of $1.6 million.  December 2017.

$1 Million Settlement vs liquor store in underage drinking case

The firm procured a $1 million dollar settlement for its client, who was 20 years old at the time of his accident. He purchased a bottle of vodka from a liquor store, drank the liquor and ran his vehicle through a fence and into a tree receiving serious injuries which paralyzed him from the waist down. Since he was allowed to purchase alcohol despite being underage, the firm asserted a claim against the package store. There were no witnesses to the purchase, and Johnson did not have a receipt. Any video of the transaction was taped over prior to the date the firm was retained to represent Johnson. The liquor store denied making the sale. However, the firm’s investigation revealed several people who had purchased liquor, while underage, from the same liquor store. The insurance company for the defendant offered the full liquor liability policy, in the amount of $1,000,000.00 in settlement, which Johnson agreed to accept. However, Geico Insurance Company, which provided the no-fault medical insurance covering the vehicle Johnson was operating at the time of the accident, had paid $250,000.00 of Johnson’s medical bills. Geico asserted a claim to “claw back” the $250,000.00 in medical benefits paid from the settlement proceeds, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 39:6A-9.1. The disputed funds were placed in escrow and this issue alone was litigated.

After Johnson’s accident the New Jersey Legislature amended the law to prevent a no-fault insurer from “clawing back” no-fault benefits where an injured person was not “fully compensated” by the available liability insurance proceeds. The Legislature did not explicitly indicate whether the statutory amendment applied to cases which were pending or only to “new” accidents which occurred after the date the amendment was passed into law. After obtaining transcripts of the legislative hearings, Mescall argued that the Legislature intended the amendment to be “retroactive” and apply to cases which were pending, such as Johnson’s, at the time the amendment became law. The case proceeded through both the Law Division and the Appellate Division of the New Jersey Superior Court. When Geico prevailed, Mescall appealed to the New Jersey Supreme Court.

The case Johnson vs. Roselle EZ Quick, LLC, et. al., Docket #07504, was argued by James Mescall before the New Jersey Supreme Court on January 5, 2016. The court recognized that the New Jersey legislature had not specifically stated whether the amendment to the statute was to have retroactive or prospective effect. Under these circumstances the Supreme Court applied the general rule of construction, that unless specifically stated, new legislation was to have only prospective application. The firm was willing to take a difficult case for a client whose conduct contributed to his accident and bring the matter all the way to the New Jersey Supreme Court obtaining significant compensation for the firm’s client.  April 2016.

$700,000.00 Settlement in low-impact auto-truck accident

James Mescall secured a settlement of $700,000 for the firm’s client, a 46-year-old woman, who had a two level cervical fusion surgery more than four years after a motor vehicle accident. She was driving to work on Route 22 in Newark when she attempted to pass a truck, traveling in the middle lane, on the right. The tractor (bobtail) began to move into the right lane to exit the highway, causing a minor collision. The property damage to the plaintiff’s vehicle was approximately $800. The truck had no damage. The defense retained an accident reconstruction expert, who claimed the force of the impact, “Delta V”, was less than 5 mph. The defendant’s biomechanical expert claimed that the client’s cervical herniation could not have been caused by the minor impact.  The defendant’s orthopedic physician opined that the plaintiff had a “degenerative disc osteophyte complex” which predated the collision. Plaintiff was not able to return to her job as a longshoreman following the accident. The case was settled with the assistance of Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner. There were motions pending to strike the opinions of the defendant’s accident reconstruction expert and biomechanical expert based primarily on the faulty methodology employed in calculating the “Delta V”. The case was settled with the trucking company paying $700,000.00 before those motions were decided.  July 2017.

$650,000.00 Settlement for automobile roll-over causing a herniated disc requiring surgery

James C. Mescall negotiated this settlement for the firm’s client who was a passenger in a motor vehicle traveling on the Garden State Parkway when it was struck by another vehicle. causing the host vehicle to leave the roadway and overturn several times before coming to rest in a ditch. The primary injury sustained was a herniated lumbar disc which ultimately required the firm’s client to undergo a “fusion” surgery (used to weld or “fuse” together two or more vertebrae so that they heal into a single, solid bone) of two levels of the lumbar spine. Following this surgery, our client, a 44-year-old woman, was able to return to work but experienced difficulty carrying out her duties in the bakery department of a supermarket. The firm retained the services of an accident reconstruction expert to establish the responsibility of the culpable motorist. The firm was also prepared to call our client’s orthopedic surgeon to testify regarding the causal relationship between the injury sustained in the accident and the surgery which was not performed until almost 4 years after the accident. In addition, Mr. Mescall was also prepared to show the jury an illustrative video of the surgical procedure which had been performed on our client.  The two culpable motorists and the client’s underinsured motorist insurer contributed to the $650,000.00 settlement.  August 2019.

$547,000.00 Settlement for thirty-five (35) year-old motorist struck by a commercial beverage delivery truck

Our client sustained back and neck injuries which prevented him from returning to work. Mr. Mescall hired medical and vocational experts to support the case. An economist was also hired to calculate the present value of future lost wages. As the client had not sustained any fractures, the large beverage manufacturer argued that the man was not severely injured and hired experts who contended he was medically able to return to work. At trial Mr. Mescall successfully argued that the evidence obtained through the company’s surveillance of our client should not be disclosed to the jury. The beverage company increased its offer in the middle of trial and the client accepted $547,000.00 to settle the case.  March 2001.

$485,000.00 Settlement for a child who fell through a glass door in his parents’ apartment

Mescall Law, PC is pleased to announce a significant victory on behalf of a minor client who suffered injuries after falling through an interior glass door that did not have tempered glass. The firm’s legal team, led by James C. Mescall, successfully secured a recovery of $485,000 in compensation for their young client.

The incident occurred when the minor client, who was two (2) years old at the time, accidentally fell through an interior glass door at his parent’s apartment, resulting in facial lacerations. Through investigation the firm learned that the glass used in the door was not tempered as required by safety regulations.

Mescall Law, PC investigated the case, and hired an engineer who concluded that the property’s landlord had acted in a negligent manner. The door was no longer up to code, which established the landlord’s fault in failing to make the property safe for the minor plaintiff.

The legal team skillfully navigated the complex legal issues, building a compelling case that highlighted the dangers posed by the non-tempered glass door and the significant impact on their young client’s life. After persistent negotiations with the property owner and their insurance company, James C. Mescall secured a substantial $485,000 settlement on behalf of their minor client. This recovery will help cover medical expenses, including possible plastic surgery in the future to minimize scar tissue, and provide compensation for the infant’s pain and suffering. After reaching a settlement with the landlord, James C. Mescall then established a trust on the client’s behalf, which will allow the client’s money to grow until he reaches the age of majority.

Mescall Law, PC is dedicated to helping those who have suffered personal injuries due to the negligence of others. This successful recovery serves as a testament to the firm’s commitment to obtaining justice and fair compensation for its clients.  April 2022.

$450,000.00 Settlement for Client Injured in Fall

Mescall Law, a leading personal injury law firm based in West Orange, New Jersey, is pleased to announce a substantial $450,000 settlement on behalf of a client who suffered significant injuries following a fall due to unsafe conditions at her office building. This settlement underscores the firm’s commitment to advocating for individuals injured due to the negligence of property owners.

On December 7, 2018, the plaintiff was exiting her office building in North Brunswick, New Jersey, when she lost her balance and fell down the front steps. The fall was caused by uneven brick steps that had been improperly repaired, coupled with overgrown bushes obstructing the handrail. The plaintiff’s daughter and co-worker witnessed the incident. The landlord was responsible for maintaining the property pursuant to the lease agreement with the plaintiff’s employer. A civil engineer retained by the plaintiff conducted an investigation and reported significant safety violations. His findings revealed that the slope of the steps varied dangerously, and the handrail was rendered ineffective due to overgrown bushes. These conditions violated several governmental codes and engineering standards, directly contributing to the plaintiff’s fall.

The plaintiff sustained multiple injuries, including severe damage to her left shoulder, left knee, left hand, and neck. Initial emergency room treatment at Old Bridge Medical Center led to further consultations and extensive medical interventions. A MRI revealed a severe rotator cuff tear in her left shoulder, necessitating a reverse shoulder arthroplasty performed on March 7, 2019, at Hackensack University Medical Center. The plaintiff underwent extensive physical therapy post-surgery. MRI scans showed disc herniations in the cervical spine which were treated with chiropractic care and a cervical epidural injection. Diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, she underwent endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery on January 10, 2020, also at Hackensack University Medical Center. Previously managed with injections, her left knee condition worsened due to the fall, requiring knee replacement surgery performed on December 19, 2022. Expert evaluations attributed a substantial portion of her injuries to the fall, exacerbating preexisting conditions.

Through the dedicated efforts of Mescall Law, the plaintiff secured a $450,000 settlement to address her injuries, pain, suffering, and lost wages. This case highlights the critical role of diligent legal representation in ensuring justice and adequate compensation for personal injury victims.  February 2024.

$435,923.45 Pursuant to jury verdict for intersectional auto accident resulting in herniated discs

James C. Mescall obtained a net verdict of $350,000 for the firm’s client who claimed he sustained a herniated disc in his back and one in his neck as the result of a two-car intersectional collision. Both the client and the defendant contended that they had the green traffic signal in their favor.

The defendant claimed the light was green for him from the moment he first noticed the traffic signal 100 meters from the intersection. He claimed that when he looked up, while his vehicle was in the middle of the intersection after the collision, the light was still green for him. On cross-examination, Mr. Mescall brought the defendant’s attention to a photograph taken immediately after the collision which showed the defendant being lifted on to a stretcher, with a brace on his neck, from his vehicle by emergency services personnel while his vehicle was clearly outside of the intersection thereby calling the accuracy of his testimony into question.

Our client received only 4 months of chiropractic treatment following the accident. There was no surgery.  The physician who evaluated him for the defendant’s insurance carrier opined that he did not sustain herniated discs to his spine as a result of the accident and testified that the 38-year-old client’s MRI studies revealed a “degenerative” spinal condition which was unrelated to any trauma he may have experienced in the accident. Mr. Mescall called the client’s treating chiropractor and an orthopedic surgeon, who had evaluated him at Mr. Mescall’s request, to testify at the trial. Both doctors agreed that the spinal disc herniations were related to the serious intersectional accident and that additional therapy would not cure the injuries.  The client lost no time from work and had no outstanding medical expenses as a result of the accident.

The jury found that the defendant was 70% responsible for the accident and that the firm’s client was 30% at fault. The jury awarded the client $500,000.00 for the injuries which he sustained that were related to the accident. Accordingly, the trial judge molded the verdict to $350,000.00 and entered judgment in favor of the plaintiff.

At the time the trial began, the defendant offered only $3,500.00 to settle the case.  Before the trial, an arbitrator had determined that the case had a value of $20,000.00.  As permitted by law, the defendant’s insurance company rejected the arbitrator’s decision. Mr. Mescall filed an Offer of Judgment indicating that the client would accept $20,000.00 to settle the case. As the jury’s award was more than 20% above the amount of the Offer of Judgment, Mr. Mescall filed an application for the entry of an award of the attorney’s fees and costs incurred as a result of the insurance carrier’s decision to force the matter to trial. He also sought an award of increased pre-judgment interest as called for by the Offer of Judgment Rule. In total, the Court awarded pre-judgment interest in the amount of $36,111.00, attorney’s fees in the amount of $49,085.00 and costs in the amount of $726.00 in addition to the $350,000.00 jury verdict.   Accordingly, the insurance company, which could have settled the case for $20,000.00, ultimately paid $435,923.45.  April 2019.

$380,000.00 Settlement for construction site accident for a worker who fell from height due to the failure of the general contractor to provide appropriate safety guards

Investigation revealed that wind blew the worker, who was holding a sheet of metal decking, off the building resulting in serious injuries. Mr. Mescall’s investigation, supported by opinions of qualified experts in the construction safety field hired by Mescall, proved that the responsible contractors had not taken adequate safety precautions which eventually convinced the insurance carriers and the lawyers for the contractors to settle the case for $380,000.00.  March 2002.

$375,000.00 Medical malpractice settlement

James C. Mescall resolved a claim where the firm’s client sustained a cerebral fluid leak (CFL) following a septoplasty performed by an otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat doctor or “ENT”). Brain fluid leaking into the nasal cavity following a medical procedure to straighten the nose is very unusual and is often the result of medical malpractice. This condition can lead to serious medical complications including meningitis. Fortunately, the client only required a second surgery to repair the leak and the more severe complications were avoided. The defendant physician denied knowledge of the leak. There was no mention of the condition in the operative report regarding the septoplasty. The patient noticed “clear fluid” leaking from her nose within days of the surgery. However, the CFL was not diagnosed, by another ENT, until months later. It was anticipated that the defendant surgeon would argue that this was a “spontaneous CFL” which occurred without any fault of the defendant. A “spontaneous CFL” is an uncommon but recognized condition, as revealed by the medical research performed by the medical experts retained by the firm.  However, the otolaryngologist retained by the firm to testify at trial provided an opinion which discounted the likelihood that the CFL was “spontaneous” and rather likely the result of the defendant’s surgical technique. The firm’s research revealed that the defendant ENT had been the subject of other successful medical malpractice actions.  Accordingly, a claim for “negligent credentialing” was also asserted by the firm against the hospital that had granted the physician privileges to perform the surgery. This claim allowed the firm to obtain information, during the “discovery” phase of the lawsuit, from the defendant otolaryngologist regarding other alleged errors which she had made causing injuries to other patients. The hospital and the doctor both contributed to the settlement of $375,000.00.

The firm learned that, as the result of an unrelated proceeding, the defendant otolaryngologist’s license to practice medicine was ultimately suspended.  August 2014.

$325,000.00 Settlement for thirty-six (36) year-old woman who fell on an icy walkway while working at Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey, sustaining a wrist fracture which required multiple surgical procedures

Investigation revealed that a contractor had been hired to remove ice and snow from the area where the client fell but failed to do so. Prior to trial, the insurance company for the contractor agreed to the settlement.  November 1997.

$325,000.00 Settlement for a school custodian injured when he slipped on water at his place of work

Investigation established that it was likely a carpet cleaning company had negligently allowed water to accumulate on a stairway in the school causing the custodian to fall and suffer a herniated disc in his lower back. The company initially denied the claim but its insurance carrier agreed to settle with James C. Mescall shortly before trial.  September 2007.

$275,000.00 Settlement for falldown case for client with prior back injuries

Mescall Law PC is pleased to announce the successful resolution of a significant case on behalf of our client, who suffered injuries in a slip and fall accident at a national home improvement store.

Our client was walking in the store’s parking lot during a cold winter evening when he unexpectedly slipped and fell on a patch of ice that had formed due to poor maintenance of a nearby waterspout. As a result of this unfortunate accident, the client sustained injuries that required medical treatment and resulted in significant pain and suffering, including a series of epidural injections and ultimately a fusion surgery.

Mescall Law, PC took swift action on behalf of our client, conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident and hiring an engineer to inspect the location of the client’s fall. We discovered that the home improvement store had neglected its duty to provide safe and well-maintained premises for customers. Inadequate lighting and failure to address known hazardous conditions, such as the icy patch and waterspout which created it, were clear violations of its legal obligations to its customers.

Our client has an extensive history of prior back problems, going back fifteen years with at least one prior accident and a prior discectomy at the same level of his back which required fusion surgery. Nevertheless, our dedicated team was undeterred, and tirelessly advocated for our client’s rights throughout the legal process. Due to our team’s diligent efforts, we successfully negotiated a $275,000 settlement on behalf of the client. This settlement not only covered our client’s medical expenses but also compensated him for his pain and suffering, lost wages and other damages resulting from the incident.

Maximilian J. Mescall, lead attorney on the case, expressed his satisfaction with the outcome: “We are dedicated to seeking justice for our clients who have suffered due to the negligence of property owners. This settlement underscores our commitment to holding businesses accountable for maintaining safe premises for its customers. Our priority is ensuring that those injured receive the compensation they deserve.” October 2023.

$250,000.00 Settlement for twenty (20) year-old woman who sustained a right arm injury when the vehicle in which she was riding overturned on the highway

James C. Mescall obtained the full amount of the insurance available including $225,000.00 in underinsured motorist benefits as the culpable motorist carried only $25,000.00 of liability insurance. Mr. Mescall also successfully negotiated a claim by the young woman’s health insurer seeking a portion of the recovery on the basis that it could “subrogate” against her settlement. After arguing that applicable law precluded this claim the health insurer agreed to accept a small portion of the settlement and continue paying future medical bills without any further rights of “subrogation” so the young woman would receive both her necessary future medical care and her settlement.   April 2010.

$250,000.00 Medical malpractice settlement for wrongful death during a surgical proceeding

The son and daughter of an elderly woman who died during surgery to remove a “mass” from her nasal cavity came to James C. Mescall after two (2) other lawyers had declined to take the case. The elderly victim was retired and had no income. There was no claim for conscious pain and suffering as the patient died during the surgical procedure while still under anesthesia. Therefore, the possible damages were limited to the “economic losses” incurred by her immediate family members pursuant to New Jersey’s restrictive Wrongful Death Statute. Under this law, children are not permitted to recover damages for the emotional losses incurred as the result of the death of a parent. An expert hired by the firm concluded that the operating surgeon had departed from the appropriate standard of care during the surgery thereby causing the elderly woman’s death. An expert economist hired by the firm provided a report regarding the family’s economic losses resulting from the death of their mother. The case was settled shortly after James Mescall took the defendant physician’s deposition.  April 2005.

$247,000.00 Awarded to Client Injured in Construction Accident

Mescall Law, PC is pleased to announce a significant settlement on behalf of a client who sustained injuries in a construction accident. The firm’s dedicated legal team, led by James C. Mescall, successfully secured the settlement.

The incident took place when the client was working at a construction site under the supervision of a general contractor in Oakland, New Jersey. The nature of the work required that the plaintiff and his co-workers perform their work in the evening.  Due to a power failure, the site’s lights suddenly went out.  Shockingly, the general contractor instructed our client to continue working in the dark with substandard lighting.  Tragically, during this time, our client suffered a life-threatening injury when the power saw that he was operating “kicked back” and accidentally lacerated his throat. The client was rushed to the hospital where emergency surgery was performed and sutures were utilized to close the wound. The client recovered but received significant and noticeable scarring from the accident.

Mescall Law, PC took action to investigate the case and hold those responsible for the dangerous working conditions accountable for their negligence. The legal team meticulously gathered evidence, highlighting the fact that the accident could have been prevented had the general contractor prioritized safety and halted work until proper lighting was restored.

After rigorous negotiations with the liable parties and their insurance representatives, we secured a $247,000 settlement on behalf of their client against the general contractor. We were able to supplement the client’s recovery by also pursuing a worker’s compensation claim against his own employer, which led to another $31,692 recovery for the client.

Mescall Law, PC is committed to advocating for individuals who have suffered personal injuries as a result of the negligence of others. This settlement reflects the firm’s unwavering dedication to achieving justice and ensuring full compensation for our clients.  September 2022.

$225,000.00 Settlement in Rear-End Auto Accident Case

The firm secured this settlement after a long-fought battle, which required both a trial and a victory in the New Jersey Appellate Division.

The plaintiff suffered neck and back injuries because of a rear-end collision caused by the negligence of the defendant. The defendant’s insurance carrier offered only $1,500 in settlement relying upon the opinions of its litigation doctor who opined that the firm’s client did not sustain a permanent injury in the accident.

Led by an experienced Certified Civil Trial Attorney, James C. Mescall, the firm took swift action on behalf of the injured plaintiff. Early in the case, the firm filed an Offer of Judgment for $35,000 in accordance with the law. This legal maneuver set the stage for a recovery in excess of the jury verdict in favor of the plaintiff. At trial, a jury found that the plaintiff sustained a permanent injury (a prerequisite to any verdict in the client’s favor under New Jersey motor vehicle law) and awarded the plaintiff $99,360.00 in damages.  Pursuant to the Offer of Judgment Rule, the Court awarded $71,720.00 in additional costs and fees to the plaintiff.

The defendant, unsatisfied with the jury’s verdict and the subsequent award of fees and costs by the court, chose to appeal. The Appellate Division upheld both the jury’s decision and the court’s award of fees and costs. As a result of the appeal, Mescall Law, PC sought an additional award of $53,920 in attorney’s fees and costs under the Offer of Judgment Rule. With the mounting pressure, the defendant ultimately decided to settle the case for $225,000 shortly before the Appellate Division’s decision on the application for additional attorney’s fee and costs was rendered.

Mescall Law, PC takes great pride in its relentless pursuit of justice on behalf of injured clients. This case underscores the firm’s dedication to ensuring that those who have suffered injuries due to the negligence of others receive the compensation they deserve. We are undeterred when insurance companies threaten to go to trial or appeal once we win the jury trial. The firm fights for its clients regardless of the opinions of the insurance carrier’s stable of physician’s (who typically opine that the client did not sustain a serious injury) and the “hardball” settlement position asserted by the carrier at the time of trial. In this case the client received a recovery 150 times more than the insurance carrier’s offer at the time of trial.  June 2021.

$195,342.27 Judgment on behalf of a fifty-eight (58) year-old pedestrian who was struck by a car backing up in a parking lot at her place of employment damaging a ligament in her knee

The insurance company attorney, appointed to defend the careless driver who caused the accident, argued that the pedestrian’s injury was not permanent and therefore she was not entitled to be compensated for her injuries as she had selected the “lawsuit threshold” option in her own insurance policy. The pedestrian had sustained an injury to a ligament in her right knee. The doctor who examined her at the request of the defense attorney testified that her injury was not permanent. The insurance company, confident in its defense, made James C. Mescall no offer to settle the case. The jury disagreed with the position advocated by the insurance company and its lawyer. Through use of the “Offer of Judgment Rule”, Mr. Mescall was, in addition to the verdict of $135,000.00, able to obtain a Court Order requiring that the defendant pay attorney’s fees incurred by his client as well as the jury verdict.   November 2007.

$170,000.00 Settlement for a medical negligence/wrongful death claim against a dialysis center

A seventy-three (73) year-old dialysis patient suffered a severe leg bruise when she was improperly moved from a dialysis chair to her wheelchair after completing treatment. Due to her underlying condition, the bruise did not heal and eventually contributed to her death. Her granddaughter was referred to James Mescall after she died and shortly before the two-year statute of limitations was about to expire. Although the dialysis center denied responsibility, it was forced to admit that the grandmother had been injured as she was transported to the hospital the day after the accident and the hospital’s record confirmed the injury. James C. Mescall conducted eight (8) depositions in order to establish the manner in which the employees of the dialysis center usually transferred their patients (since all of them claimed not to recall the incident). By using this discovery an expert hired by Mr. Mescall was able to formulate an opinion that it was likely that the employees of the dialysis center improperly transferred the grandmother causing the bruise. The investigation coupled with the expert’s opinion eventually convinced the insurer of the dialysis center that it was best to settle.  January 2007.

$150,000.00 Settlement in Walmart Trip and Fall Case

Mescall Law, a premier personal injury law firm in West Orange, New Jersey, is pleased to announce a successful settlement of $150,000 on behalf of our client, who sustained injuries in a trip and fall accident at a local box store.

The incident occurred when our client and her brother were being led through the store by a sales associate. During their walk, our client slipped on a “Mardi Gras necklace” that was lying on the store floor. The key issue in the case was whether the store had notice of the hazard. The sole evidence indicating notice was the testimony of our client and her brother, who stated that after the fall, the sales associate admitted to having seen the necklace on the floor remarking “that he should have picked it up”.

Despite the defense challenging the credibility of these testimonies and disputing many of the injuries claimed by our client, our dedicated legal team fought vigorously to secure a fair outcome. Although multiple X-rays and MRIs showed no abnormalities in the spine, hip, arms, knee, femur, ankle, and neck, and despite the defendant disputing her injuries, we were able to secure a six figure recovery for our client.

“Achieving this settlement was crucial for ensuring that our client could cover her medical expenses and continue her recovery process,” said James C. Mescall, lead attorney on the case. “We are satisfied with this outcome and believe it will help our client move forward from this unfortunate incident.”  October 2023.

$150,000.00 Verdict for rear-end hit to an eight-one (81) year-old man, resulting in herniated disc

In the fall of 2015, our client sustained a herniated disc in his back when his vehicle was struck in the rear. After the accident, he received treatment in the emergency room and, for approximately 4 months after that, chiropractic treatment. At the time the trial began, the plaintiff was 81 years of age and had not received medical treatment for his injury during the prior 3 ½ years. There was no claim for medical bills because these expenses had been paid by his no-fault insurance coverage. There was no claim for lost income as he was retired at the time of the accident. Our client admitted that there was no damage to his vehicle as a result of the impact. The police officer, testifying for the defense, confirmed that there was no damage to the plaintiff’s car and indicated that there was only minor damage to the defendant’s vehicle. James C. Mescall, as attorney for the plaintiff, was able to keep photographs of the defendant’s vehicle out of evidence (the jury was not permitted to see them) since the defense could not sufficiently authenticate them.

As the plaintiff’s attorney, Mr. Mescall was obligated to prove, by objective medical evidence, that our client had sustained a permanent injury (defined by the law as “the injured body part has not and will not, even with further medical treatment, return to normal function”) pursuant to New Jersey’s “verbal threshold” law before our client was entitled to any monetary damages. The defendant’s testifying physician provided an opinion, after examining our client, that he suffered from spinal “degeneration” (the loss of water content within the spine) caused by the aging process and that he had not sustained a herniated lumbar disc as a result of the accident. Mr. Mescall presented trial exhibits, enlargements of the actual MRI images of our client’s spine, which illustrated the injury. Mr. Mescall called two medical experts to testify on behalf of the plaintiff, the treating chiropractor and an orthopedic surgeon. Both provided opinions that the herniated disc was caused by the car accident.

The defendant, through his insurance company, refused to make any offer of settlement on the case, thereby forcing the matter to trial. The insurance carrier’s position was based upon its history of winning the vast majority of similar cases. The jury returned a verdict of $150,000.00 in our client’s favor on April 18, 2019. Interest in the amount of $2,335.77 was added to the jury award and the insurance company reluctantly paid the judgment, with interest, rather than seek an appeal of the verdict.   April 2019.